Birthdays For February 23rd + Play Tennis Day
If this is your birthday, congratulations. A country music artist is also celebrating along with you today. Steve Holy, born in Dallas, Texas, in 1972. He earns a major hit with his ballad "Good Morning Beautiful" in 2001, returning to prominence five years later with the rambunctious "Brand New Girlfriend". Happy 43rd, Steve.
It's Play Tennis Day!
Our weather here in the Concho will probably keep you from playing tennis today, so watching or reading about tennis is a great backup activity.
Many Americans enjoy this game. In addition to being a great sport, tennis is also great exercise.
Tennis, as we know it, has been around since the mid 1800s. That's when Harry Gem and Augurio Perera came up with the game on Perera's lawn in England. However, origins of the sport can be traced all the way back to 12th century France, where it was played by hitting the ball with the hands instead of a racket. Here's wishing you love on this special day!
Now Let's P-A-R-T-Y!!
Concho Valley birthdays include:
Ada Bain, 80. Fromher daughter, Debbie.
Deyna Smetana, 15. From Mom, and the rest of her family and friends.
Tyler Tomerlin, 26. From the Cook family.
Dorothy Douthit, 54. From the Cook family. Dorothy is the winner of our birthday cake today from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.
No wedding anniversaries to report.