If this is your birthday, congratulations! You share the same date as this country music artist.

Steve Holy, born in Dallas, Texas, in 1972. He earns a major hit with his ballad "Good Morning Beautiful" in 2001, returning to prominence five years later with the rambunctious "Brand New Girlfriend". 

46th Annual CMA Awards - Arrivals
Jason Kempin, Getty Images

Happy 44th, Steve!

This Is Play Tennis Day! 

Benis Arapovic, ThinkStock

This is a great day to play tennis!  After all, that's what this day is all about.

Eric Hood, ThinkStock

Americans of all ages enjoy playing tennis. In addition to being a good sport, its good exercise, too.

LuckyBusiness, ThinkStock

If the weather keeps you from playing tennis outside today, then play inside or try watching or reading about tennis.

Concho Valley birthdays include:  

Serena Sepulveda, 15. From Mom and Dad.

Deyna Smetana, 16. From all her family and friends. Deyna wins her choice of dessert today from Papa Murphys. 

No anniversaries to report.

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