If this is your birthday, congratulations! This Is Best Friend Day!

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This day is all about enjoying and appreciating your best friend.

NA, ThinkStock

Best friends are very special people.

Carmelka, ThinkStock

You spend time with your best friend taking in events, activities, and sometimes just hanging out.

Jupiterimages, ThinkStock

You may have heard it said, "You can only have one best friend", however it may be possible to have a couple at the same time. Here's hoping you have at least one best friend to enjoy this day with.

Concho Valley birthdays include:

Brittany Stober, 28. From the Cook family. Brittany wins 4 delicious gourmet cupcakes from Cakes In A Cup.

Happy Wedding Anniversary to:

Clay & Desta Crooks, 25 years. From Clay's Mom.

Rocky & Patty Robbins, 46 years.

Both couples will be in our drawing Friday morning for a dozen roses from The Friendly Flower Shop.


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