Texas Governor to Veto Funding for State Legislature After Democrats Walkout of Session
Texas Democrats staged a walk out on Sunday night to protest a voting bill and now the governor tweets he will veto funding for the legislative branch which includes salaries for members of the legislature and their staff.
The walk out was staged over Senate Bill 7, which would change some voting policies in the state of Texas.
The bill, if passed by the state Senate and ultimately signed by Abbott, would ban drive-thru voting and impose state felony penalties on public officials who offer mail-in voting applications to voters who do not request them.
It would also prohibit 24-hour voting, which was used by more than 100,000 voters in the 2020 election in Harris County, where President Biden won with about 56 percent of the vote.
In the past, Governor Abbott called the passage of Senate Bill 7 a top priority following claims of voter fraud by former President Trump. Similar bills to Texas Senate Bill 7 have already been passed in Georgia and Florida.
Democratic state Representative Gene Wu called the governor's planed actions “petty and tone-deaf even for Texas” in the story from the Hill.
The walk out on Sunday night was only the fourth time law makers in Texas have attempted to break quorum to prevent a bill's passage according to The Dallas Morning News.
So what do you think? Does this bill make voting more reliable and more legitimate? If you're against passage of the bill, what are your reasons? Tell us on Facebook or chat with us on our station app.