STEAM Central at Stephens Library Calling for Volunteer Teachers
Stephens Central Library is preparing to open its maker space – STEAM Central, in March.
STEAM is the mnemonic for science, technology, engineering, art and math. Instructors are needed with skills in crafts such as quilting, knitting, crochet, needle felting, screen printing and clay work. Also needed are instructors in technical areas such as coding, photo editing, video editing, electronics soldering and circuitry.
Volunteers with skills in laser cutting, 3D printing and die-cut machines such as Cricut and Silhouette are needed as well. Other equipment needing instructors are a long-arm quilting machine, embroidery and sewing machines.
STEAM Central needs your knowledge. If you have a hobby or passion you would like to share, contact Maker in Residence Clint Hudson at Clint.hudson@co.tom-green.tx.us or call 325-655-7321 ext. 1133. Scheduling of classes can be made to work around your schedule.
STEAM Central has been made possible by a Texas State Library and Archive Commission and Institute of Museum Library Services Grant. Stephens Central Library, part of the Tom Green County Library System, is located at 33 West Beauregard in San Angelo.
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