Rebuilding Bell Street will be the focus of a town hall meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 24.


Hosted by District 3 City Councilman Harry Thomas, the gathering will be at 6 p.m. in the City Council chambers at the McNease Convention Center, 501 Rio Concho Drive. The public is invited. The forum will air live on SATV, Suddenlink channel 117, and at It will be re-aired daily on SATV and posted on the City of San Angelo’s YouTube channel.

Councilman Thomas wants to update the public on the effort to rebuild Bell Street, which is slated to begin this summer. City officials will be on hand to give a short presentation and to answer questions.

Bell Street will be rebuilt from Rio Concho Drive to Old Ballinger Highway in three stages. The design of the first phase is nearing completion. Once that’s finished, the project will be let for bids. Construction of the first phase, from Rio Concho to Harris Avenue, will take approximately 18 months.

Bell Street is the second project in a 10-year, $80 million plan to rebuild San Angelo’s worst streets. The first project is underway on Martin Luther King Boulevard. MLK was tabbed as the first project to make use of a federal grant.

The proposed timeline for the street projects is posted at

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