Runoff for City Council District 6 Will be July 8
The runoff election for the City Council’s District 6 seat will be July 8.
Federal regulations and state law require 45 days between canvassing votes and a runoff to allow ballots to be mailed to registered voters outside the United States. The regulation mostly impacts voters serving in the military. The City Council today canvassed the votes from the May 6 election and called for the runoff election.
No candidate won 50 percent plus one vote in the District 6 race in the May 6 city election. Steve Hampton received 39.27 percent of the vote while Billie DeWitt garnered 37.14 percent. Rebekah Coffman accounted for the remaining 23.59 percent of the ballots cast.
Hampton and DeWitt will vie for the post in the runoff. The winner will serve a four-year term.
In other races, Brenda Gunter was elected mayor, Tom Thompson was elected to the District 2 seat and Lucy Gonzales was re-elected in District 4. Each will serve a four-year term. Tommy Hiebert was elected to fill the remaining two years of an unexpired term in District 1. All four took their oaths of office Tuesday.
The deadline to register to vote in the runoff is June 7. All registered voters in District 6 will be eligible to vote in the runoff regardless of whether they participated in the May 6 election. Voters can access a map of City Council districts at cosatx.us/council. To determine which district one lives in, click the GIS map viewer on the same page.
Voter registration and ballot by mail applications are available at VoteTomGreenCounty.org or in the Tom Green County Elections Office on the first floor of the Keyes Building, 113 W. Beauregard Ave. Applications can also be obtained by mail or by calling 325-659-6541. Completed voter registration applications can be returned in person or by mail; mailed applications must be postmarked by June 7.
Citizens can also register to vote when renewing their driver’s license in person at a Texas Department of Public Safety office.
To determine if you’re eligible to vote or if you’re already registered, visit votetexas.gov/register-to-vote. Voter registration applications are also available at the link.
Early voting will be from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. June 26-30 and from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. July 3 in the Tom Green County Elections Office. Voters will have a choice of voting by paper or electronic ballot during early voting.
Completed ballot by mail applications may be mailed, scanned and e-mailed to elections@co.tom-green.tx.us, faxed to 325-657-9226, or delivered in person. Applications delivered in person must be received by the office no later than June 23. Applications delivered by any other manner must be received (rather than simply postmarked) by June 27. Voters who have completed an application for an annual ballot by mail need not reapply at this time. If they are unsure whether they will be mailed a ballot, they are advised to call the elections office. Only voters in SMD 6 will be mailed a ballot for the runoff election.
On Election Day, only electronic ballots will be available. Polls will be open from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. July 8 at six locations: Southland Baptist Church, 4300 Meadow Creek Trail; Angelo Bible Church, 3506 Sherwood Way; the Texas Department of Transportation, 4502 Knickerbocker Road, Building E; San Angelo Community Medical Center, 3501 Knickerbocker Road; the West Texas Rehabilitation Center, 1925 University Drive; MHMR Services for the Concho Valley, 1501 W. Beauregard Ave.
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