KGKL Birthdays & Anniversaries for Wednesday
Best wishes to All these Listeners Celebrating here on April 9th! Happy Birthday to:
Ashlynn Matheny, 3, from Nanny and Paw-Paw.
Tye Lowrance, 11, from Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister and Brandon.
Izona W
inters, 94, from Connie and All her friends at the Senior Place.
Adam Nunez, 46, from Toy, Lisa, Berlynn, Kamron and the rest of the family.
Sarena Salvato, 40, from her husband, Ricky.
Patty Hilaro, 74. Patty wins our birthday cake today from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.
Happy Wedding Anniversary to:
Rufino & Lucynda Garcia, 26 years. They will be in our drawing this Friday morning for a dozen roses from Southwest Florists.