Is The Grape Creek ISD Right in Rejecting Tom Green County Mask Mandate?

This week, Tom Green County Public Health Department issued a property control order requiring masks for all education facilities in the county.
Dr. James Vretis, who serves as the Tom Green County Public Health Authority issued the following order.
Masks shall be required for all education facilities located within Tom Green County where instruction is delivered and a student or staff person gas tested positive for COVID-19.
This order shall become effective on August 26, 2021 and shall continue through the end of the school day on October 15, 2021 or until such time that the Texas Education Agency or a court of competent jurisdiction reinstitutes enforcement against school districts with mask mandates.
The San Angelo ISD responded on Twitter saying they will follow the mandate.
Meanwhile, Grape Creek ISD issued a statement saying they would not comply with the county mask mandate citing Governor Greg Abbott's executive order prohibiting mandates.
In an interview with the San Angelo Standard, Dr. Vretis expressed his disappointment in the Grape Creek ISD in not following the Tom Green County mask mandate.
"Hopefully this will not bite them on their backsides with so many COVID cases that they have to shut down in-person classes. That would not be in the best interest of their students or our community,” Vretis said.
During an earlier interview Tuesday evening with the Standard-Times, Vretis explained his rationale for issuing a mask mandate.
"I did this within the letter and the spirit of the governor's order," Vretis said, stating rather than issuing a mask mandate for everyone, only schools with positive cases would be affected by the order.
The office of the Texas General Attorney has placed the San Angelo ISD and Tom Green County on a list of government entities who have been reported as non-compliant with Executive Order GA-38.
So, what is your opinion of the Grape Creek ISD to not follow the county mask mandate? I am conflicted personally; I feel the law should be followed but I am disappointed that grown adults are getting into political discussions about masks while children are caught in the middle. Give us your thoughts and opinion on Facebook or on our station app.
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