Community Medical Center Blood Drive
January is National Volunteer Blood Donor Month. To help ensure a lifesaving supply of blood, United Blood Services has joined with other blood centers around the country, stressing the importance of donating blood.
Every two seconds, someone needs blood. This year alone, blood transfusions will help save or sustain the lives of more than 5 million patients. Keeping a fresh supply of blood on hand gives them the chance to fight diseases like cancer or leukemia and survive the trauma of accidents.
Community Medical Center and United Blood Services invite you to save lives by donating blood at the Community Medical Center blood drive on Tuesday, January 10th. It will be in Conference Rooms 1 & 2 near the chapel from 8.30am – 6.30pm.
All donors get:
--2 Movie Passes
--2RBC Donors get 4 Movie Passes
--Hero in Me Points
Appointments are strongly encouraged
Call United Blood Services at 877-UBS-HERO (877-827-4376)
Or go online to www.bloodhero.com sponsor code: sacmc
Must be at least 16 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds and be in good health to donate. Donors between 16 and 22 must meet additional height and weight requirements. 16 & 17 year old donors must present a Minor Donor Permit Form signed by a parent or guardian. The Minor Donor Permit can be found online at www.unitedbloodservices.org.
Save time by completing the health history online at www.unitedbloodservices.org. Click on Health History on the left side, read and answer all of the questions. Print the Fast Track Ticket and bring it with you to the blood drive. Can also complete on a smartphone or tablet – bring the device with you so the techs can scan the bar code. MUST BE COMPLETED ON SAME CALENDAR DAY!
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