Three people filed their candidacies in the May 6 election for the San Angelo City Council this morning, the first day to apply for a spot on the ballot.

courtesy of COSA
courtesy of COSA

Tony Villarreal filed his candidacy for mayor, Lucy Gonzales filed for re-election to the Council’s District 4 seat and Steve Hampton for the District 6 post.

The District 2 seat will also be on the ballot. Winners in the election will serve four-year terms.

The filing period began today and continues through Feb. 17. Candidates file the necessary paperwork in the City Clerk’s office in Room 210 on the second floor of City Hall, 72 W. College Ave. The office is open from 8 a.m.-noon and from 1 p.m.-5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays.

Candidate packets containing applications, information and forms about the process for those considering running for City Council are available in the City Clerk’s office or at Questions can be addressed to City Clerk Bryan Kendrick at 325-657-4405 or at

Voters and potential candidates can access a map of the City Council districts at Determining which district one lives in can be determined by clicking the GIS map viewer on the same page.

Voters must be registered to vote by April 7 to be eligible to cast a ballot in the May 6 election. Voter registration information can be found at; in the Tom Green County Election/Voter Registration Office on the first floor of the Edd B. Keyes Building, 113 W. Beauregard Ave.; and at all three Tom Green County library locations.

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