Texas Man Jumps Out of His Truck to Rescue Boy Choking Along Road
We don't hear enough stories about heroes, so here is heartwarming one about a man who jumped into action to save a young boy from choking.
It happened just last week in Texas City when a mother went to pick up her son after school.
It all started Wednesday, when Jessica, tells us she was picking up her son Cameron, 8, after school. The mom explained they were driving in Texas City when Cameron told her he was thirsty, so she handed him a water bottle. As she was warning him not to bite the cap off, Jessica suddenly heard him choking.
"I was alone and screaming in the middle of the street trying to help my baby and it wasn't working," she said.
The mother attempted the Heimlich maneuver on her son but was unsuccessful and started screaming.
That's when Ibm Mock, the good Samaritan, leaped into action to help her.
"He came behind me and he grabbed my son and three jerks and the bottle cap shot out of his mouth," Jessica said. "I have never hugged somebody tighter in my life."
Mr. Mock tells us as a father himself, he knew he had to stop and do whatever he could to help when he saw her crying.
"I just jumped out of my truck - I didn't think about it," he said. "I just did what I had to do to get the cap out."
The mother and the good Samaritan Mock reunited the next day with a humble Mock telling a local news station that he only did what anyone would do for him.
So, we'd like to hear your reaction to this good Samaritan story. Let us know on Facebook or on our station app.