Shannon is hosting the seventh annual CATCH® in Motion Kids Marathon Final Lap Celebration on Thursday, April 6 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at San Angelo Stadium.


All students Kindergarten through sixth grade are invited to attend and run their “final” lap and participate in fun fitness activities and games.

The CATCH® in Motion Kids’ Marathon program began at the beginning of the year with the intent to provide an opportunity for students to participate in a program that encourages healthy habit formation early in life. A full marathon is considered 26.2 miles. Each participating student is encouraged to either walk or run a total distance of 26 miles before the Final Lap event. Students will run the final .2 miles around the stadium track beginning at 5:30 p.m. Laps will start every 15 minutes, and all students are encouraged to participate regardless of the distance they have ran toward their 26 mile goal. Participants and their families may come and go during the event.

Parents and students can then participate in activities provided by community-based organizations and learn about programs offered over the summer months to keep students active and motivated. The first 500 finishers will receive medals and Finisher T-shirts.

Community organizations will be present to hand out information for programs offered over the summer months that will keep students active and busy. Free activities will also be available. Organizations and activities for this year include: YMCA, USTA Tennis Association, San Angelo State Park summer programs, ASU Athletics summer camp information, San Angelo City Rec Department, Nature Center petting zoo, SAISD team sports and summer camps info, and a tug-o-war game

Special thanks to sponsors Shannon Medical Center, SAISD, Angelo Awards, Armstrong Backus Co. LLP, Big Country T’s, Jackson Walker LLP, SuddenLink and the YMCA.

For more information, visit or call 325-657-5065.

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