San Angelo Police Warn About Parking Ticket Phishing Scam
Residents of San Angelo and the surrounding area are cautioned to be aware of a phishing scam to collect money from fake parking tickets.
With this scam, recipients receive an email that has 'Parking Ticket' in the subject line and You got a parking fine in the email's introduction. In the email, a citation number is listed along with a reason for the fine (ex: Parked Obstructing Fire Lane, etc.) and recipients are asked to pay the fine(s) online or over the phone with a Visa or Mastercard. In closing, the email reads, 'Best Wishes, Police Department'.
The San Angelo Police Department does not contact citizens about parking violations. Notices of parking violations are only sent by the San Angelo Municipal Court.
San Angelo Municipal Court does not send initial parking notices to violators by email. Only violators who have previous business dealings with Municipal Court (ex: payment plans for warrants, fines, etc.) and who have provided clerks with an email address will receive electronic notifications from the court's email address ending in '@cosatx.usâ'. Additionally, legitimate notices of unpaid Parking Tickets from Municipal Court are mailed to the violator's home address.
Recipients who receive this type of email or similar email should never make contact with the sender or click on any links or attachments. Clicking on links and attachments could also infect your computer with malware aimed at stealing your personal financial information.
Please report such emails to the Federal Trade Commission, which has detailed information for consumers on how to handle phishing scams.
Please share this warning to prevent others from becoming victims.
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