Help The Arc Get $10,000.00
The Arc of San Angelo today announced that it received a $10,000 challenge grant from the Carl C. Anderson, Sr. and Marie Jo Anderson Charitable Foundation.
The Foundation will match, dollar for dollar, $10,000 in donations, doubling the impact of each contribution. The Arc of San Angelo is a local non-profit disability advocate organization. The Arc supports families, provides guardianship services for individuals without families to serve in this capacity, advances public policies, provides training programs, and builds a local network of advocates. This grant is intended to support education, training and facilitation of less restrictive alternatives to guardianship, including Supported Decision-making. Supported Decision-making is a new and innovative method to meet an individual’s need for support without a lawsuit to remove their civil rights. Funds will also enhance monitoring, coordination of services, and advocacy for clients who do not have family members to advocate on their behalf.
Carl C. Anderson and Marie Jo Anderson Charitable Foundation’s leadership has made great strides in service to seniors, individuals with disabilities and children throughout Texas and surrounding states to ensure their needs do not become lost in a burgeoning system.
"The Arc provides a vital service to our community and I applaud the Anderson Charitable Foundation for providing support to the program with this generous challenge grant," said Steve Floyd, Tom Green County Judge. "We have a great need in our community for advocates who will actively participate in the day-to-day lives of our elders and those with disabilities that are abandoned or unable to speak for themselves. The Arc guarantees the person receives the respect they deserve.”
About The Arc of San Angelo:
The Arc of San Angelo is a chapter of The Arc of Texas and The Arc of the U.S. The Arc has a long legacy of advocating for quality services and supports to improve the lives of those with disabilities, their families and caregivers.
You can help The Arc meet this challenge by mailing your donation to P.O. Box 1922, San Angelo, TX 76902.
For more information call 325-657-0308 or go to thearcofsanangelo.org/donate
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