Enjoy great food and get a bowl while you help others get a meal!


The Empty Bowls Fundraiser will be on Thursday, Nov. 17th, from 11-1:30 at the Cactus Hotel Ballroom.

Get a handcrafted pottery bowl, a delicious lunch of soup and bread, plus the opportunity to win a door prize for $25.00.

You'll be asked to keep the handcrafted pottery bowl as a reminder of all the empty bowls in the world, including those here in our community.

Many bowls for the event have been donated by local and area potters.  Some additional pottery bowls have been glazed by a variety of groups within the community including the Juvenile Detention Center, the Art Departments of Central and Lake View High Schools, the Senior Center, Village East, and individuals at the First Presbyterian Art Studio.

All proceeds benefit the Wesley Trinity United Methodist Church Daily Bread Soup Kitchen.

If you would like to donate a bowl or purchase tickets, go to the Texas Hunger Initiative office, Suite 201, Cactus Hotel Mezzanine or call 656-4170.

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