Don't look now but it's July already!  Stand by for a list of our listeners celebrating here on July 1st, but first up we'll give you 3 reasons why this date could be very special for everyone.

flickr - from exfordy
flickr - from exfordy

#1, It's Canada Day.  That country became self-governing on July 1st in 1867.  It's a holiday there and was originally known as "Dominion Day", however it was changed to Canada Day by the Canadian Parliament in 1982.  Here's a fact for you:  The United States and Canada share the largest undefended border in the world, plus temperatures are much cooler there today, than here in the Concho.

#2, It's International Joke Day, but please keep it clean!  With all the problems, trouble and unhappiness in the world, how about we all chill out a little and laugh a whole lot more today.  If folks around the world get into this theme of the day, it might be the start of something big. Use Facebook or even email to send a great joke today.

#3, It's Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day.  With summer underway its a perfect way to cool off and come up with a new flavor of everyone's favorite treat.  Perhaps, yours will be a hit and become very popular.  Why not make it fun and stage a party at work or home.  Just make sure to have lots of flavors, toppings and additives, so everyone at the party can get crazy (or creative).

Concho Valley birthdays today include:

(Twins) Everett Mogg and Peggy Baker, 45.  From their sister, Carol and her husband, Johnny.

Ray Macias, 26.  From Mom, his sisters and nephew.

Tammy Pitt, 40 something.  From Gage, Lexie, Claudia, Tony and Shanee.  Tammy wins today's birthday cake from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.

No wedding anniversaries to report.

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