Angelo State Spring Commencement
More than 950 students are scheduled to graduate during Angelo State University’s spring commencement ceremonies this Saturday, May 13, in the Junell Center/Stephens Arena.
Graduates of the College of Education, Archer College of Health and Human Services, and College of Graduate Studies and Research in those academic fields will walk the stage during a 10 a.m. ceremony. Graduates of the College of Arts and Humanities, College of Business, College of Science and Engineering, and College of Graduate Studies and Research in those academic fields will walk the stage in a 2 p.m. ceremony. All of ASU’s commencement activities are open free to the public, and the two ceremonies may also be viewed live on the ASU website at www.angelo.edu/commencement.
During ASU’s commencement, 24 doctoral degrees, 281 master’s degrees and 646 bachelor’s degrees are scheduled to be presented. Graduate students will earn 24 doctor of physical therapy, 35 master of arts, six master of professional accountancy, four master of agriculture, 22 master of business administration, 123 master of education, 54 master of science, 17 master of science in nursing, and 20 master of security studies degrees.
Undergraduates will receive 104 bachelor of arts, one bachelor of applied arts and sciences, 106 bachelor of business administration, 10 bachelor of fine arts, 30 bachelor of interdisciplinary studies, four bachelor of intelligence, security studies and analysis, one bachelor of music, 300 bachelor of science, 45 bachelor of science in nursing, 12 bachelor of security studies, and 33 bachelor of social work degrees.
The commencement speaker will be ASU alum Dr. U. Shivraj Sohur, a clinician at the Internal Medicine Research Unit of Pfizer Inc.’s Worldwide Research and Development in Cambridge, Mass. A 1992 ASU graduate, Sohur is also a faculty member at Harvard Medical School in Boston and a part-time attending neurologist in the Division of Movement Disorders at Massachusetts General Hospital, where he cares for patients with Parkinson’s disease and related disorders. He transitioned to the Pfizer Inc. global pharmaceutical company in January 2016 and now helps conduct clinical trials geared toward developing medicines for neurological disorders.
The commencement ceremonies will highlight three days of graduation-related events on the ASU campus. On Thursday, May 11, the social work program will conduct the annual Pinning Ceremony for its graduates at 5 p.m. in the Houston Harte University Center, 1910 Rosemont Drive.
On Friday, May 12, ASU’s Air Force ROTC Detachment 847 will conduct its Spring Commissioning Ceremony for six graduating cadets at 9 a.m. in the Houston Harte University Center. Maj. Gen. Warren D. Berry, vice commander of the Air Force Material Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, will be the guest speaker, and the cadets will receive their appointments as second lieutenants in the U.S. Air Force.
At 5 p.m. on Friday, the Physical Therapy Department will conduct its annual Awards Banquet at the LeGrand Alumni and Visitors Center, 1620 University Ave. Various student awards, including those for Academic Excellence, Research Excellence and Clinical Excellence, will be distributed, as well as several faculty awards.
Then at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, the Nursing Department will conduct the annual Pinning Ceremony for its graduates in the Houston Harte University Center. Pinning ceremonies became a U.S. tradition in the early 1800s to mark students’ completion of their education and entry into the profession.
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