Angelo State Nursing Program National Ranking
he Angelo State University Department of Nursing’s online RN-to-B.S.N. program has been ranked among the top 50 “Most Affordable Online RN to B.S.N. Programs” in the U.S. for 2016 by TopRNtoBSN.com, a college and career resource guide for professional and prospective nurses.
Overall, ASU’s program ranked No. 12 nationally and was one of only four programs at Texas schools to make the list.
The rankings include only fully accredited colleges and universities that offer an online registered nurse-to-Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-to-B.S.N.) program. Programs were compared based on tuition for students taking only the core nursing classes, tuition for those taking nursing classes and the general education requirements, and the average cost of tuition and fees minus financial aid, as determined by the U.S. Department of Education.
“Our vision for the RN-to-B.S.N. program was, and remains, to provide working RNs with the opportunity to pursue their B.S.N. in a format and environment that is both economical and feasible,” said Dr. Wrennah Gabbert, chair of the ASU Nursing Department. “We respect the life experiences, professional experience and expertise RN adult learners bring with them to their learning activities, and we strive to provide just-in-time learning that can be immediately applied in their work settings.”
ASU’s RN-to-B.S.N. program was the first fully integrated online program for RNs in Texas and allows nurses to complete their upper-level core nursing courses in as little as 12 months. Full program details are available at:
The other Texas schools ranked in the top 50 were West Texas A&M University, University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Woman’s University. The full rankings list can be found at www.toprntobsn.com/rankings/most-affordable-online-rn-to-bsn-programs-2016/.
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