It's mid-week of Spring Break as we salute our listeners celebrating today!

flickr - from Ben Sutherland
flickr - from Ben Sutherland

Happy Birthday to:

Jackie Thompson, 60 plus, from The Good Ol' Girls.

Bulah Hill, 95, from Gilbert, Jana and Colton.

Kalyn Wilson, 4, from Grammie, Gramps and Uncle Bo.

Colt McCleery, 17, from the entire family.

Gabriel Cardenas, 15, from Mom, his Grand Parents, Robert and Brenda.

Mackensie McCormick, 26, from her work buddies at Community Hospital.  Mackensie wins the birthday cake today from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.

If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form.


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