All of these Listeners are a year older here on February 4th!

flickr - from Qole Pejorian
flickr - from Qole Pejorian

Happy Birthday to:

Jarrod Stevens, 30 something from all his friends at the State School.

Jennah Tennison, 9, from Mom, Dad and sister.

Berlynn Martinez, 27, from Mom, Dad, Kamron and the rest of the family.

Gail Harris, 60 something, from Doris and the rest of the Ya Ya Sisters.

Janice Storts, 60 something, from her husband, Darrell.

Nyssah Perrine, 30, from her Mother In-Law, Becky and the staff of West Texas Counseling and Guidance Center.  Nyssah wins our birthday cake today from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.

No wedding anniversaries to report.

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