It's gonna take a lot of cake today.Happy Birthday to: 

Elodia Hill, 68, from Nicole and the rest of the family. 

Joaquin Cervantes, 50 plus, from his sister, Mary Grace and family. 

Alex Lopez, 41, from Veronica, Angela and Adrian. 

Paul Harper, 40, from his mother in-law, Stacey. 

Lisa Garcia, 21 again, from Imelda. 

Steve Floyd, 50 something, from his family. 

Floyd Reese, 30 something, from his son, Hunter. 

Willard Scott, 62, from Pat. 

Ricardo Dominguez, 19, from Christina. 

Kristin Sanders, 17, from Mom and Dad. 

Marissa Templeton, 29, from her husband, Cody.  She is today's winner of the birthday cake from Halfmann's Cake Cottage. 

No wedding anniversaries to report today. 

If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form.

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