Best Wishes to all our listeners celebrating today. 

Happy Birthday to: 

Traci Hohle, 27, from the Vu family. 

Cameron Albers, 12, from Granny T. and Papa Russell. 

Terri Castro, 15, from Mom and Dad. 

Alex Sanchez, 11, from Grandma Cecilia. 

Chris Mason, 37, from his wife, Lisa and the kids. 

Sierra Trammell, 18, from Nana, Pawpaw and Justin. 

Gabriel Santilan, 5, from Mawmaw, Mom and Jacob. 

Debbie Ramon, 40 something, from the staff at Bradford Elementary.  Debbie is today's winn of a birthday cake from Halfmann's Cake Cottage. 

No Wedding Anniversaries reported today. 

If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form.

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