Lot's of Listeners turning a year older here on August 15th.

flickr - Iain Farrell
flickr - Iain Farrell

Happy Birthday to:

Larry Caffey, 58, from his family.

Raven Martin, 16, from Mom and her brothers.

(Twins) Dallas & Dalton Holbert, 16, from Mommy.

Vicki Branum, 61, from her older sister, Beth.

Jack Paul Dela Garza. 7, from Mom and Dad.

Jeff Perrine, 30, from Mom and Dad.

Suchinda Samsonoh, 48, from All her co-workers.

Jack Miller Sr., 60 something, from his sister, Darlene.

Wesley Ash, 60, from his cousins, Teresa and Lonny.

Mary Renovato, 55, from her niece, Amanda and great-nephews, Ryan, Jayden and Josh.  Mary wins today's birthday cake from Halfmann's Cake Cottage.

No wedding anniversaries to report.

If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form.

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