Here's a list of our Listeners turning a year older on June 21st and 22nd.

flickr - from Ben Sutherland
flickr - from Ben Sutherland

Saturday 6-21

Happy Birthday to:

Deann McCormick, old enough, from Renee and Goldie.

Dietrich Jost, 10, from Mom, Dad and sister, Lanie.

Sandy Munez, 50 plus, from Mando, Peggy and Matt.

Leslie Bell, 45, from The Golden Girls.

Dayton Box, 60, from his wife, Cathy and the whole family.

Sunday 6-22

Happy Birthday to:

Adriana Villarreal, 16, from Mom, Dad, all 3 of her brothers and the rest of the family.

Jessica Steen, 9, from Dad, Mom and her sister.

No wedding anniversaries to report.

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