It's 12-12-12 and hopefully a Lucky Day for all these listeners celebrating.  Happy Birthday to: 

Dakota Hinojosa, 16, from Mom and Dad. 

Lara Woods, old enough to know better, from one of her co-workers. 

Jackie Rios, 2, from Mom, brother and sisters. 

Otis Rush, old enough, from Gavin, Austin, and Heather. 

Brianna Coleman, 15, from Mom, Dad and all the girls. 

Joseph Cruz, 10, from Norma and Ronnie Martinez. 

Bill Mabe, 49 again, from Calby, Harlee and Bennie. 

Diantaha Reynolds, 60 something, from her sister, Vickie. 

Harvey Hawkins, 84, from his daughter, Jody and the rest of the family. 

Arzenet Burnes, 50, from all the family. 

Ronnie "Boy" Waggonner, 40, from his sister, Jodi. 

J-Mane Smith, 12, on 12-12-12, from Mom. 

Darla Munoz, 35, from Anthony, Toby, Ramio, Marcus, and Melissa.  Darla is today's winner of the birthday cake from Halfmann's Cake Cottage. 

Happy Wedding Anniversary to: 

David & Martha Ramirez, 23 years.  They will be in our drawing Friday morning for a dozen roses from Southwest Florists.

If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form.

flickr - from miggslives
flickr - from miggslives

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