Look who's celebrating TODAY!! 

Happy Birthday to: 

Tina Taylor, old enough, from all of us. 

Julian Reyes, from Aunt Mellissa and cousins, Lena, Ruben, and Logan. 

Brady Bradford, 24, from Mom. 

Alfredo Meza, 15, from Mom and sisters. 

Kember Briley, 5, from Papa and Nana. 

Makinna Rivers, 12, from Mom, Dad and sister. 

Teresa Riley, 43, from her son, John. 

Tim Doughbal, 50 something, from Linda, Tammy and Charolette.  Tim wins the birthday cake today from Halfmann's Cake Cottage. 

Happy Wedding Anniversary to: 

Royce & April Lowrance, 19 years. 

If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form.

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