Look who's celebrating on this weekend before Thanksgiving!  Saturday 11-17 

Marilyn Harris, old enough, from her husband, Rod also Debbie, David, Dillon and Dalton. 

Judy Cmerek, 50, from her friends. 

No anniversaries to report. 

Sunday 11-18 

Happy Birthday to: 

Debra Sanders, old enough, from her sister, Donna. 

Courtney Christine Manning, 27, from Ma Smooder and the whole darn Smooder Family. 

Cindy Ringer, 55, from Tammy. 

Debra Nixon, 40 something, from everyone in the office at, Jones, Hay, Marshall and McKinney. 

Happy Anniversary to: 

Ken & Pat Quint, 45 years. 

If you have a birthday or anniversary to announce, visit our birthday and anniversary page to fill out the form.


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