Why Has Nobody Replaced Midnight Rodeo For Texas/Red Dirt Fans?
I think that we are so blessed to have such a vibrant Texas/Red Dirt Live Music scene in and around San Angelo, and having said that...I have one big question!!
We have numerous outdoor venues that bring awesome shows to the Concho Valley. Look at what is coming up. Cooper's BBQ Live continues to bring great bands to their stage in Christoval. This weekend alone, Kevin Fowler and Roger Creager are playing their stage on Friday, followed by Aaron Watson on Saturday with many more concerts to come during their 2022 concert series.
It was announced just a few days ago that Parker McCollum will be headlining the River Stage on July 7th which will be an awesome show.
Wild West Fest is having an 8-day music festival in San Angelo July 29th - August 5th with live music all week long including two huge shows at the Riverstage with headliners Whiskey Myers on Saturday, July 30th and the Turnpike Troubadours at the River Stage on Friday, Aug. 5th and numerous bands opening for them. There will also be live music throughout that week at numerous bars and venues around town.
Nowhere that I know of has as many Texas/Red Dirt music fans as we have in San Angelo and they have shown over and over that they will spend their money to come out and support the shows when the bands come to town.
Therefore, I applaud the promoters, bars, clubs and other venues that keep giving the people what they want, but outdoor venues are subject to weather elements especially in the winter.
The big question I've got to ask is why has nobody with the financial ability to do it, opened a big dance hall like we enjoyed with Midnight Rodeo for a number of years. It was a big loss for many fans when they closed their doors (which is their business) but nobody replaced them with another large dancehall offering Texas/Red Dirt music fans a year-round venue in a climate controlled indoor environment with the capacity to bring in those big shows and offer a true dance hall environment throughout the year. The featured photo I used is a prime example of what we had and then lost.
I would love to see someone bring that atmosphere back to the music fans of San Angelo!! Please feel free to comment.

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