What The Heck Is That Statue On Bryant Blvd?
Rain or shine, he's always there to greet you at Bryant Blvd., and 3rd Street.
This larger than life bronze statue has come to be a big part of life in San Angelo. It exemplifies a feeling of "friendliness." It's a neat way to say "welcome," to all who visit our city.
Heading south into town, it's like he's waving a big "Howdy Partner," to all. When you leave headed north, it's almost like he is waving "goodbye."
If you are like me, having driven by this statue hundreds of times, wondering what to call him, how long he's been there doing his job day after day and who's responsible for his creation, I have the answer.
There is a dedication inscription, located on the east side of the pedestal with these words:
Thanks to the names and the organization mentioned here, our city has something to be truly proud of.
One more thing: Cowboy, keep up the good work!