The 11th 97.5 KGKL/St Jude Radiothon raised money and awareness for St Jude Children's Research Hospital.


Jeff Johnson with the Concho Valley Chili Pod presents a $543.00 check from the recent St Jude Chili Cookoff to Rebecca with ALSAC/St Jude!
Thanks to the ladies of Epsilon Sigma Alpha for their generous donations of cakes, cookies, pies, and lots of sweet treats!
Thanks to our chili cooking friends for all their hard work and fundraising efforts for St Jude Kids!

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Sarah Dunn visits our St Jude Broadcast Headquarters at Sunset Mall to talk about her new cd.
Thanks for stopping by and make sure check out Sarah's music at

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Thanks to everyone who donated to help St Jude Kids! Special Thanks our guests at the Mall who shared their St Jude stories and to Brian at Tradewind Sound for his sound assistance.

Just because our radiothon has concluded, that doesn't mean you can't donate to help
St.Jude Kids:

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