Texas Veteran’s Commission Coming to San Angelo
Texas Veterans Commission is coming your way!
The Commission will be hosting a College & Rural Communities Tour through South and Southwest Texas. Their first stop is Angelo State University Vets Center, Tuesday April 4. (1910 Rosemont Drive, RM 113).
College students, veterans, and family members are welcome, along with agencies that support veterans. This is a great way to learn how Texas Veterans Commission works to get veterans all the benefits and services they have earned.
They also partner with other organizations and government entities to help our vets.
The tour will explain all the Texas Veterans Commission Services and the Women Veterans Program. There will be two sessions. Session One: 10 -11 am, Session Two: 1-2 pm. After each presentation, there will be a Q&A Session. Local TVC partners and resources will also be on hand to assist veterans. The public is invited.
Registration is encouraged!
SESSION ONE (10am-11am) http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=wdpf7yiab&oeidk=a07edxcd1519a787b7f
SESSION TWO (1pm-2pm) http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=wdpf7yiab&oeidk=a07edxcqas8ea967bb7