Tell Us About The Good Stuff!
After I picked up the kids from school a few weeks ago, they each shared great news. They both had great days at school and i took them for ice cream which put them in even better moods.
Then the TV went on. Terror in Spain, violence in Virginia, tearing down historic monuments. Now, we're all praying for our fellow Texans in Houston and the gulf area. Seems like the NEWS is always BAD. So we're starting something new.
"The Good Stuff" is your chance to share with all of us YOUR good news. ONLY GOOD news. We can all use some HAPPY and UPLIFTING news. So share your "Good Stuff"...
Maybe a new baby in the family? You landed that new job? You bought a new home? You completed a major life goal or a major life accomplishment? A service member in your life just ended a deployment? Anything GOOD! Think about it and message us on Facebook or email
I will share various bits of "The Good Stuff" on the 97 5 KGKL Morning Show throughout the week. Let's start every day with some GOOD news.