I Am Eating Everything on IHOP’s ‘Addams Family’ MenuI Am Eating Everything on IHOP’s ‘Addams Family’ MenuOne man got creepy and kooky until he got bloated and puke-y.Matt SingerMatt Singer
‘The Addams Family’ Menu at IHOP Features A Lot of Purple‘The Addams Family’ Menu at IHOP Features A Lot of Purple(Purple, a very normal and natural color for foods.)Matt SingerMatt Singer
I Am Eating Everything on IHOP’s ‘The Grinch’ MenuI Am Eating Everything on IHOP’s ‘The Grinch’ MenuYou’re a naughty one, Mr. IHOP.Matt SingerMatt Singer
One Los Angeles Deli Became McDowell’s, The Fast Food Join From ‘Coming to America,’ For HalloweenOne Los Angeles Deli Became McDowell’s, The Fast Food Join From ‘Coming to America,’ For HalloweenLos Angeles’ Fat Sal’s transformed into the fast food joint from the Eddie Murphy comedy for the holiday — and the pictures are amazing.Matt SingerMatt Singer