
Birthdays & Anniversaries for Saturday
Birthdays & Anniversaries for Saturday
Birthdays & Anniversaries for Saturday
We'll find out the names of the listeners who made our list here on August 16th, in a moment.  First, you should know, this is a special day that should be fun-filled with lots of laughter.
Birthdays & Anniversaries for Friday
Birthdays & Anniversaries for Friday
Birthdays & Anniversaries for Friday
Our list of listeners celebrating here on August 15th, is on the way, but first, this is a special day for everyone, if at all possible, to slow down, unwind and Do Nothing!
Birthdays for Monday
Birthdays for Monday
Birthdays for Monday
A list of our listeners celebrating today, August 11th, is coming up, but this also happens to be a very special day for All Parents.
Anniversaries for Saturday
Anniversaries for Saturday
Anniversaries for Saturday
We'll take a look at the names of our listeners who are celebrating here on August 9th, in a bit.  First though, this is the perfect day to sit back, relax and R E A D!!
Birthdays for Friday
Birthdays for Friday
Birthdays for Friday
Coming up, the names of our listeners celebrating on August 8th, but first, get ready to enjoy a great summertime treat in honor of this special day.
Birthdays for Thursday
Birthdays for Thursday
Birthdays for Thursday
We'll check that list of listeners celebrating on this August 7th, in just a moment.  First though, here are some events that have happened on this date in Country Music.

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