Speed Trap HOA? Should This Texas HOA be Issuing Speeding Tickets to Residents?
An HOA just outside of Austin, Texas will start fining residents who drive over the posted speed limits in the neighborhood. The Crystal Falls HOA in Leander "will install a portable camera and radar system to catch speeders" according to a report from KXAN-TV in Austin.
The question becomes, can they do this?
KXAN says the HOA can install the cameras and radars on private roads, but "it is likely illegal on public roads" when the station queried a local Austin attorney.
So, are we comfortable with an HOA assuming that kind of authority? This seems like an extreme overreach by this HOA. I understand the frustration with speeders in their neighborhood and I understand they would like to do something about it, but issuing speeding 'tickets'? How about putting up something like flashing signs to deter speeders?
And what about those speeders who do not live in the HOA's neighborhood? Here's how the HOA is addressing that situation according to the report from KXAN:
While the HOA can’t fine nonresidents for speeding, it will share video of unsafe delivery drivers and workers with their employers, according to the Crystal Falls HOA website. Repeat offenders will be asked not to come back.
Well, that is interesting. I might be okay with that. Nobody likes seeing a UPS or FedEx driver speeding through your neighborhood. Making a business aware of a speeding driver is a good idea. Heck, even some of them put their phone number on the back of their vehicles encouraging people to report their drivers if they are driving recklessly.
When reached for comment about the story by KXAN, the mayor of Leander Christine Sederquist said she is "concerned" by the plan from the HOA.