These Two Texas Icons Are Not Linking Up For The Beer of Our Dreams
Ask any Texan to give a "Top Five Texas List" and for most Shiner Beer and Whataburger would show up inside that top five somewhere. So it would seem plausible that those two icons could come together for a truly Texas product. Alas, as much as both Shiner and Whataburger wouldn't mind it to happen, it will not.

Rumors began to spread a few years ago of Whataburger and Shiner Bock coming together for a Shiner Whatabeer. Just the thought of those two Texas icons joining forces for a beer does give Texans a bit of excitement. However, that collaboration was quickly put to rest by both Whataburger and Shiner.
That didn't stop the rumor mill from taking up the subject a few days ago when a post appeared on the I Love Texas Facebook page talking about this collaboration.
So yeah, our Texan hearts are somewhat broken again that this pairing of Texas' favorite beer and Texas' favorite burger will not be happening.
What that doesn't prevent, though, is stopping by Brookshire's or your favorite gas station or liquor store and picking up a six pack of Shiner Bock then stopping by Whataburger and ordering a Whataburger with cheese and large fry, with the new Whataburger Spicy Ketchup Limited Batch #2 with Hot Sauce to dip those fries in, and enjoying the two at the dining room table.
So despite the two Texas favorites not officially collaborating, it doesn't mean that you still can't enjoy the two together tonight, or any night, for dinner.