San Angelo Police Week
Support our San Angelo Police during Police Week!
It's Police Week and you can show your support of our San Angelo Police Officers by putting a blue ribbon on your car, at your home, apartment or business. You could
also display a blue light on your front porch. Ribbons and blue lights are available at local stores.
'Running With The Blue' 5K-1 Mile Run/Walk will be this Wednesday from 6:30-9:00 at Police Headquarters, 401 E. Beauregard. Go to www.getmeregistered.com/runningwiththeblue or call Laura at 325-657-4333.
The Police Ecumenical Service is this Friday at 11 am at the Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 3 S. Randolph. For more information call Sgt. Tim Coffman at 325-481-2729.
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