You got to hand it to YouTube user, Get Right America, he's put all the pieces together concerning Jade Helm 15. Black tarps, fences, and cardboard boxes at the San Angelo Sam's Club are all signs of a full military takeover. Even the mysterious Knight Templar and, possibly, the Illuminati are paving the way for the FEMA overlords to take over Texas. You never know, but you better get right, America!

But, in reality, Jade Helm is simply a military exercise that has happened before, just not on this large a scale. Cue gasp! I know, shocking, right? Understandably, there were a few people concerned when a radio show host, Alex Jones, wrote on his website Infowars,

Training exercises like Jade Helm are clearly designed to be dual purpose in nature, both for overseas combat and for the potential that martial law may be declared domestically in the aftermath of a massive economic collapse of other national emergency. [watch the video here]

Thoughts like this has caused widespread conspiracy theories that even prompted some major political figures to reach out to the Pentagon, as well as take measures to assure Texans that their safety and Constitutional rights will be protected. Governor Greg Abbott wrote to Major General Gerald "Jake" Betty,

During the training operation, it is important that Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed. By monitoring the Operation on a continual basis, the State Guard will facilitate communications between my office and the commanders of the Operations to ensure that adequate measures are in place to protect Texans.

According to, David Dewhurst, Louie Gohmert, and Ted Cruz all released statements on Jade Helm 15. Senator Cruz even reached out to the Pentagon for assurance, stating,

When the federal government has not demonstrated itself to be trustworthy in this administration, the natural consequence is that many citizens don't trust what it is saying.

So, the whole point of all this? Relax, It's not a military takeover. No one is coming for your guns, property, or Constitutional rights. I mean, we're in Texas. No one would be that idiotic.

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