Mayor Gunter has released a statement addressing New Year’s Eve and COVID in our community.

The statement says:

To our fellow citizens of San Angelo,


As 2020 draws to a close, we are all hopeful that 2021 will be a better year. We want our economy to pick back up. We want to see our local businesses operating without any occupancy or seating restrictions. We want every classroom to be filled with students. The list goes on. We are also hopeful that the number of positive COVID-19 cases will lower as more people receive the new, approved vaccines.


These wishes are achievable if everyone continues to do their part to slow the spread of this disease. Now is not the time to let up – COVID is not going to disappear when the clock strikes midnight on January 1.


New Year’s Eve is one of the most celebrated holidays of the year. It’s also a time when gatherings and parties are at an all-time high. Please continue to use extreme caution when around people outside your household. You know the guidelines … please continue to follow them.


There was an alarmingly high increase in positive cases and hospitalizations after Halloween. The CDC safety guidelines were largely ignored and, as a result, our community suffered. Deaths from COVID hit a record high with 65 total in the month of November. At that point, we were dreading to see the repercussions of the Thanksgiving holiday. We are very relieved to say that there was not a spike in cases, hospitalizations or deaths as a result of Thanksgiving holiday gatherings. This was a direct result of families making tough decisions. Protecting the health of our loved ones became a top priority.


Based on early numbers following Christmas, however, we are already seeing a spike in cases. We cannot change what has already happened but we can change the future. We are urging everyone to use caution when celebrating this New Year’s Eve. We know everyone wants to welcome a new year; please, let’s do it with caution as we celebrate. Most importantly, avoid events where social distancing is not possible and where there will be large gatherings. Let’s make a decision to celebrate just with those who are most important in our lives. We need to enter the new year with our utmost determination to put an end to COVID-19. If we want 2021 to be a better year, then it is up to each and every one of us to do our part.


If you’re feeling sick or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, get tested and stay away from others. Do not wait for your symptoms to reach a critical level before you seek medical care. Disregarding these simple safety measures will have a dangerous domino effect that could end up costing someone their life. Respect the well-being of your fellow citizens and follow the guidelines. Together we will restore San Angelo back to the healthy, thriving place it was before we were hit with COVID-19.

Wishing you a safe and happy New Year,

Brenda Gunter

Mayor of the City of San Angelo

Everyone at Townsquare Media San Angelo wishes you a safe and happy New Year

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