Lots of Lemonade Day Fun
The 1st Lemonade Day was a big success with over 300 kids (entrepreneurs) setting up a Lemonade Stand!
The Chik-Fil-A Cows and Lemonhead visit lots of Lemonade Day stands! These kids have
a great looking stand!
Thanks to our Lemonade Day Sponsors: Chik-Fil-A, KIDY Fox San Angelo, Jeff Davis, sanangeloLive.com, and the D.E.S.K. Program. Partial proceeds from the event benefit
the D.E.S.K. (Donate Educational Supplies for Kids) Program!
Everyone gets a "Red Nose" at this stand!
Lemonade and Cookies!
All American Lemonade!
Cupcakes and Lemonade? You bet!
Every kid learned about starting their own business, how to make a business plan, how to get sponsors (and recognize them like this kid did!), and how to set up a lemonade stand!
This young lady has converted her doll house into a lemonade stand!
This lemonade stand will definitely get your attention with it's bright colors!
Very nice job on this lemonade stand by this young man! Thanks to all the kids and their families who made the 1st Lemonade Day a big success! We can't wait for next year's Lemonade Day!
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