Safe Outdoor Dogs Act Reminds Pet Owners Not To Forget Their Furry Friends This Winter
Pets. We dont deserve them but WE NEED THEM!! ANd we must save them at all costs because our pets are always there for us no matter what!
While most pet owners are on top of caring for their pets, there are a few who need some reminders about caring for their pets, especially when it comes to extreme weather conditions.
El Paso Animal services is on a mission to continue reminding local pet owners about the importance of the Safe Outdoor Dogs Act.
The Safe Outdoor Dogs Act (Senate Bill No. 5), has been in place and it puts the "paw" in "paw-sibilities" by banning the use of hefty chains to tether outdoor dogs. Instead, pet parents can opt for doggy-approved trolley systems, making sure our four-legged companions can roam freely and comfortably.
The law also ensures that outdoor pups are living their best lives with mandates on proper shelter, shade, and water. No more ruffing it out in the scorching sun without a cool spot to chill or a refreshing water bowl or freezing outside during below freezing temperatures.
Breaking the rules could land you in the doghouse – literally! Violations of the Safe Outdoor Dogs Act are no joke, with Class C misdemeanors carrying fines up to $500.
Repeat offenders might find themselves facing a Class B misdemeanor, barking up to 180 days in the slammer and a hefty $2,000 fine.
Animal Protection officers will be hitting the streets, educating the community on the ins and outs of the new law. From humane tethering to ensuring your fur baby has the paw-fect shelter, they've got you covered.
You can find more details on this legislation at www.ElPasoAnimalServices.org.
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