Planet Fitness Offering Up Free Memberships In Texas
Well summer break is right around the corner in Texas, and the kids are going to be looking for something to do. The younger ones will run around, play outside, and cause pure chaos inside your home.
The older kids will more than likely bury themselves on video games or head out to hang with friends at all the different hot spots, or wherever kids hang out these days. The problem is, you want the older kids to stay a bit active.
Well Planet Fitness is here to help with that. Not only will the older kiddos be able to stay active, but they're going to get in shape and be ready for the next athletic season. They're offering up the High School Summer Pass, and it'll cost you exactly zero dollars.
That's right, Planet Fitness wants the high school aged crowd to get in shape, or stay in shape, this summer. Starting on June 1, kids aged 14-19 will be invited to work out for free, as often as they'd like, at any Planet Fitness location in America.
Amarillo's Planet Fitness resides at 3801 Olsen Blvd, and is taking part in the program along with the rest of the locations around the country.
If you, or your kiddo, wants to take advantage of this amazing opportunity, pre-registration is going on right now through May 31st to get their summer pass. It will be a digital pass via their app, so make sure they add another app to their phone.
You can sign up by clicking here.