GRIEFSHARE Course Offered at First UMC San Angelo
A new session of GriefShare: Your Journey from Mourning to Joy, begins Monday, June 9 at 5:30pm at the First United Methodist Church of San Angelo, located downtown at the corner of Oakes & Beauregard.
The 13 week GriefShare course will meet every Monday (June 9-Sept. 1) from 5:30-7:30pm. Childcare is provided. Cost of the workbook is $15.
GriefShare is a special seminar and support group for people grieving the loss of someone close. Each session includes a video seminar featuring top experts on grief recovery, and dramatic reenactments about living with grief. The discussions allow interaction with others also experiencing loss. It is a nondenominational group, featuring biblical teaching on grief and recovery topics.
Sign up now at:
FMI please contact Sherrie Walker at First UMC at 325.655.8981 or the First UMC GriefShare Coordinator, Janis Amacker, at 325.224.2575 or
FMI about GriefShare, visit