FOR SALE: A Pirate Ship for Less Than $10,000? Aye!
Arrrrrr ye' tired of your land-lubbin' job? Dream of living your best pirate's life, but don't have your own pirate ship? That could be a bit problematic, don't ye reckon? After all, how's a pirate supposed t' live without his galleon?

Every adult has a little bit of child inside of them and every adult has found their mind wandering from time to time about how things might be if they'd taken a different path in life. If as a child you dreamed of one day living the pirate life, what's stopping you, other than the constrictions of adult life? It's the ship, isn't it? You've got the whole pirate thing figured out except for the boat. It's kind of hard to be a pirate without a ship, but now you can't even use lack of a ship as an excuse for not making your pirate life dreams come true.
In a post to the Hampton Roads Trash & Treasure Facebook page on Wednesday, August 5, Daniel Corder announced to the world he is prepared to sell one majestic pirate ship. In his post, Corder wrote,
You “arr” lookin at a used Pirate ship. For sale by the “ownarr” she is 28 foot long sleeps 4. Built on a 28 foot carver. Twin Chevy 305 marine engines. Suitable as a floating Airbnb attraction. Boat slip available.
The price? A mere $9,500.
Looking at the photos, it would be easy for a real-life pirate (psst...that’s you) to close their eyes and feel their native language begin to take over. So, let’s make that happen.
FOR SALE: You can buy this pirate ship for less than $10,000
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