Farm Bureau 50 Cent Burgers Go Fast
The Texas Farm Bureau's Food Connection Day sold out!
Each year the Texas Farm Bureau honors the hard work of farmers and ranchers. 50 cents is the amount a farmer or rancher would receive from the sale of a $5.00 hamburger at a fast food restaurant.
Early on, supplies of burgers exceeded demand.
It doesn't take long for a long line to form. All donations benefitted Meals for the Elderly, who provide meals for over 700 seniors and homebound in San Angelo & several surrounding communities.
The grill masters are cooking as fast as they can to feed lots of hungry folks. They grilled over 1,400 burgers in less than 3 hours and ran out of burgers!
Farmers and Ranchers all across this nation provide us with the safest food and the best value for our dollar. Thanks to all the sponsors, Farm Bureau directors, volunteers, and everyone who stopped by for delicious burgers to help others!