Jordan Hoffman
Who Won ‘Game of Thrones’? A Character By Character Breakdown
The game is over. Who sits on the Iron Throne?
It Doesn’t Matter What ‘Game of Thrones’ Does Next Week. The Show’s Beyond Redemption
Forget the finale. It’s too late to save it.
Which ‘Game of Thrones’ Character Had the Crappiest Week?
There’s a of competition for the title on “The Last of the Starks.”
The Most Shocking Moments From ‘Game of Thrones’ Battle of Winterfell
The deaths! The surprise victories! Other deaths! Here’s the craziest moments from the new ‘Game of Thrones.’
Why One of the Least Exciting ‘Game of Thrones’ Is Also One of Our Favorite Episodes
“A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” was a hang-out episode in Westeros.
‘Game of Thrones’ Season 8 Episode 1: Five Best Moments
‘GoT’ is back and these are the moments that knocked us on our Essos.
‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2′ Review
Most of what I know about complex science comes from comic books, so forgive me if my understanding of quantum mechanics is a little off. But, I think it can mean that particles can exist in two states simultaneously. 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2,' a film loaded with such half-understood notions of difficult scientific concepts, is a quantum movie. It manages to be both awful and entertaining, freque
‘Transcendence’ Review
When I was a young man and the Internet was new, I made the same joke every time I dialed-up and heard those dissonant, scratchy tones. “Chhhhhhh-CHHHHHH-Chhhhhh” my modem would bray, and as soon as there was silence I'd turn to whomever was in the room and conspiratorially say, "all right, we're in."
'Transcendence,' the first feature film directed by Christopher Nolan's longtime cinema
‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ Review
Whereas Tom Hanks' Captain Phillips talked, finessed, sweated and went into shock to rescue his crew, Chris Evans' Captain America jumps onto a hijacked boat from a helicopter without a parachute. His liberation of a S.H.I.E.L.D. vessel captured by international terrorists involves flinging himself across the deck; a human pinball with terrorists as his easily neutralized bumpers. Make that a supe
‘Noah’ Review
The story of Noah as it is written in the King James Bible is about three pages. If you want to Google it, read it, then come back to this you can go ahead. I'll wait here as I continue to stream some of Clint Mansell's spooky and enthralling score to the new Darren Aronofsky film starring Russell Crowe.
Back? Yeah, so, not a whole heck of a lot there. But did you catch the tiny references to thin