Danny Gallagher

18 Signs You’re at an Awful Barbecue
Grilling outdoors might seem simple since it’s the way that sub-average intelligent cavemen cooked food for themselves for years, but they’re all dead now — probably because they didn’t know that undercooked meat can cause food poisoning.

10 Exaggerated Signs Disney Parks Are Getting Way Too Expensive
The Disney theme parks have always been expensive places, designed to suck as much money out of exasperated parents’ wallets as possible. Whoever called it “The Happiest Place on Earth” must have been referring to the people who own Disney stock. At least we got our revenge with ‘John Carter.’
Disney, however, may have gotten the last laugh.

Police Catch Reckless Driver Thanks to ‘Zombie’ License Plate
Having a license plate that reads “ZOMBIE” may not make people think that you’re going to eat their brains or other parts of their various anatomy. It will stick in their minds in another way.

11 Lame Terrell Owens Excuses for His Ridiculous Behavior
Football player Terrell Owens has been bouncing from team to team and job to job for a reason. He’s Terrell Owens.

Film in Garage Sale Camera Contains a Picture of the Buyer’s Long-Deceased Uncle
Remember that episode of ‘The Twilight Zone’ about the camera that can take creepy pictures of things that happened in the future? This one takes creepy pictures of things that happened in the past.

Science May Help Bring Us One Step Closer to Communicating with Dolphins
Legend has it that humans and dolphins have long possessed some unspoken kinship. And now, we may be very close to actually being able to communicate with them.
Scientists are unveiling new findings at the Acoustical Society of America meeting in Hong Kong that could help them develop a special speaker that can take the cries and shrieks of dolphins and translate them into our human languages.

11 Ways to Tell That Your Own Political Party is Turning Against You
We’re in an election year and that means the president is going to face more scrutiny than a guy with a hoodie in an airport security line carrying a gun-shaped attache case with a bumper sticker on it that reads “I (Heart) Violence.”

12 Lesser-Known Reasons to Be Happy About Being an American
One of America’s greatest exports isn’t a product, a car or even a tangible object. It’s self-esteem. And by that logic, that means Ritalin and cheap whiskey are also our greatest exports.

12 Lesser-Known Symptoms of ‘Over-Tanning’
The ‘tanning mom’ of New Jersey has upset a lot of mothers, tanning salon owners and just about anyone with a central nervous system and a basic sense of moral decency or sanity.

You Could Be Throwing Money Down the Drain If You Use Online Dating Sites
Sites like Match.com and eHarmony make big promises of finding a lifetime of love with your soulmate without having to leave your door or even put on pants.
A new study, however, found that may be the only advantage to trying to find the right guy or gal compared to the old-fashioned way.