7 Facts About Beer You May Not Know
America On Tap will be in San Angelo October 3rd at the River Stage. There is going to be an awesome selection of beers to choose from, so you don't want to miss out.
While you're sampling all the awesome beer that will be there, you can impress everyone around you with these awesome beer facts we've compiled just for you.
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One of the Oldest Prepared Drinks
Beer is one of the world's oldest prepared beverages, possibly dating back to the early Neolithic or 9500 BC.
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Vikings Believed In Goat Beer
The Vikings believed that a giant goat, whose udders provided an endless supply of beer, was waiting for them in Valhalla when they died.
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World's Strongest Brew Is...
The world´s strongest beer is Brewmeister´s „Snake Venom“. While regular beer usually have about 5% ABV, this Scottish killer has a stomach-burning 67,5% ABV.
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FDR & Churchill on Prohibition
At the end of Prohibition, FDR said, "What America needs now is a drink." Winston Churchill called the concept of Prohibition "an affront to the whole history of mankind."
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Beer Floods London
In 1814, almost 400,000 gallons of beer flooded several streets in London after a huge vat ruptured in the parish of St. Giles.