Even our four legged family came out to help in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life's fight against cancer. Thank you to everyone who came out to the first Bark for Life in San Angelo at Producer's Park. It was a little chilly, and might have drizzled a little bit, but it turned out to be a lot of fun. And, I'm pretty sure the pups had a great time meeting new people and new friends.

The days was filled with lots of barking and laughing as the dogs were able to compete in doggy contests for the opportunity to win treats and prizes. There were also pups that were foster animals, and if you are looking to adopt, join the Bark for Life walk next year, and add another family member, you can find so many adorable animals here:

This was just one of the many events that the Relay for Life of Tom Green County puts on to help raise money and awareness in the fight against cancer. If you'd like to join in the Relay for Life at the Angelo State University LeGrand Center on June 5th, click here. You can join or create a team to walk with, or you can sign up and meet new people the day of the event.

Either way, you get to participate in an amazing cause, and meet amazing people. This event is for everyone. If you are fighting cancer, a family member is, or if you survived cancer, we want you to join us. So far there are 64 teams and 487 participants who have raise more than 74,000 dollars. Let's keep adding to those numbers!

Check out the pictures below to see all the amazing people and pups that came out to support a world with more birthdays!

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